Hi all you Worceterians hope you come too. Plenty of things to do in Worcester me for instance!!!
During the Middle Ages Worcester was an important wool town, and glove making has been important since the 13th century. Berrow's Worcester Journal, Britain's oldest surviving newspaper, was founded in 1690. In 1751 John Wall founded the porcelain industry for which the town is now famous.
Worcester is never pronounced as 'War kest err'. The correct and local way to say the name is 'Wuss ter'
One of England's most famous Kings is buried in Worcester Cathedral. Most kings of England were buried in Westminster Cathedral in London, but King John wanted to be different.
SURVEY has found Worcester is the 20th most raunchy city in the UK with Birmingham taking first place.
When detailing their favourite, engineers reveal dirty talk (45%) and phone sex (39%) to be their top contenders.It seems that those in Construction have been fitting a pipe or two over lockdown, ranking as the second most sexual profession of 2021.
Construction workers vote food play (40%) as their favourite sex act, however this sector has the lowest participation average for nudes (20%), making it clear they’re a little camera shy.
We also revealed that Birmingham is the most raunchy city in the UK. This regions favourite three sex acts are dirty talk (62%) and food play (61%).
Whereas, Worcester came 20th on the list with people from our faithful city preferring food play, (48%) phone sex, (47%) dirty talk (44%) and sending nudes (43%).
Worcestershire Sauce
Worcester is the home of the world-famous Worcestershire Sauce invented by British chemists (pharmacists) John Wheeley Lea and William Henry Perrins. Inspiration for the sauce is said to come from Bengal in India.
Does Worcester have good nightlife?
Worcester is the party capital of Worcestershire. It offers a lively nightlife ranging from British traditional pubs to trendy bars as well as contemporary cocktail and wine bars. Many of these are located in the city center.
Khloe: Not only the night life is good a visit with me is even better!!! Xx