Two is company

Two is company

HI my loyal fans and sexy acquaintances ever heard of unicorning? No, it’s not a mythical journey into enchanted forests with rainbow-maned horses—although that does sound awesome. In the realm of relationships and threesomes...

...learning how to be a unicorn is about learning the art of joining a couple as a third romantic or sexual partner. Yes, you’re the glittering, rare addition that adds extra sparkle to an already established connection!

So why is the unicorn status considered so mythical and appealing? For starters, it adds an extra layer of complexity, excitement, and let’s be honest—novelty to the romantic dynamic. Couples are often on the lookout for that elusive “unicorn” to add a dash of magic to their lives. But becoming a successful unicorn isn’t all rainbows and sunshine. It’s an art and a science. Stick around if you want to learn the ropes, as I will equip you with essential tips, dos, and don’ts that can make or break your unicorning experience.

For couples, introducing a unicorn can recharge that initial thrill, offering a psychological jolt to the

relationship. A successful romantic relationship often has three components: intimacy, passion, and commitment. A unicorn can add that missing ‘spice’—often a renewal of passion—that keeps the relationship vibrant. We humans are novelty-seeking creatures, it’s wired into our biology. The allure of something new and exciting plays a significant role in human attraction. A unicorn offers just that—a fresh perspective, a new dynamic, and yes, a certain level of unpredictability that keeps things interesting.

Finally, let’s touch on the halo effect When you’re the unicorn, you’re often seen through rose-colored glasses. Everything you do seems just a bit more fascinating, making you overall more attractive in the eyes of the couple.

Khloe: Sharing is caring I do both join us 💋

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