Spice it up

Spice it up

If you look at the profiles for mature or otherwise on the internet, most of the girls are super-pretty, sexy and extremely glamorous mature ones too. One look at them, you would realize why most of the men are willing to cheat on their wives and date escorts even for just one night.

Prostitution, whores, these are the terms which have been considered as a taboo if spoken in open. People consider that these women have no dignity and are doing a shameless job, probably that is why some countries have also made this profession illegal!!!

But if this profession is really that bad then why are so many girls going into it? Men have labelled females who get money in return of sex as shameful. They would probably never take these girls home to introduce to their parents and yet in the night they would be more than willing to spend thousands of hard cash to spend just one night with them. We all know what some men and some in society think of escorts, but what is most intriguing the most is, What do the escorts think of these men who pay them for sex?

Prostitution is just like any other job, you do the work and you get paid for it. I am sure there are plenty of escorts who enjoy what they do. Prostitution is not just about sex, Men do not hire escorts just for sex, rather they seek other forms of female companionship as well. They are looking for reassurance and comfort in the form of even a simple hug to make them feel liked and wanted by the opposite sex. Sometimes all they need is a little spice in their sex lives so that they can go home and love their wives better.

But what I love the most about my work is that it is one profession where females mature and young can empower men. The idea of men coming to me to help meet their desires and make their lives better turns me on and makes my day. Eventually any work you do should spread love and bring happiness to your life, and if you love what you do, then it does not matter what others think. Being a mature escort it works for me making another person happy makes me happy. xx

Khloe: visit me and let me make you happy xx

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