Something extra

Something extra

We may have the moves to keep clients happy clients will appreciate that little extra something when they least expect it. And we’re talking extras that enhance, prolong, entice, and make sex more enjoyable more often. Stash your leather whips, dildos and porn, and save those for another time and place. Store these special extra items closer to the action, but not so near as to be mistakenly discovered by them before it’s time


Smooth, slippery goodness awaits you when using lube. It slides, coats and eases the way. Water based lubricants work well, especially when using condoms.

Massage oil

Anything that involves glistening, slippery skin is conducive to a good sexual romp at least should be. Massages are a great form of foreplay. It loosens the muscles, especially the love one.


Condoms are must for anyone engaging in sexual activity. There are a plethora of choices in colours, enhancements, scents, and even flavours. Not only are condoms a sexual enhancer, they also protect against STDs and pregnancy. The more you accept condom use, the more at ease you will feel. Treat it as a commonplace occurrence. Condoms are like friends they protect you when things get hard.

Moist wipes/Towels

Moist wipes are extremely handy to have as they aid in a quick cleanup, and a quick cleanup means a quick return to the action. you can benefit from a little freshening up between bouts of hot, sweaty sex.

Keeping these practical products close at hand will no doubt help in your sexual endeavours. Items like condoms, lube and massage oil. In the event that one takes offence to the goodies, May I remind youhow important safe sex is. Stress that I am providing the necessary items to do so. NOW LET US PLAY !!

QUOTE A condom is the glass slipper of our generation. You slip one on when you meet a stranger. You dance all night, and then you throw it away. The condom, I mean, not the stranger x

Khloe: DON”T be silly protect your willy xx

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