Frame your face

Frame your face

Hi Ladies and Gentlemen hope you are keeping safe. Last week I needed some shopping and ordered it on line as I was getting low on my groceries. Although I have been eating I have been buying some treats that are not totally healthy, I will deal with that later.

I looked in the mirror one day and what a shock I had, are those MY eye brows, eek must find the tweezers, of course they were not to be found. When I did find them I chose these, Nothing makes me feel better than freshly landscaped eyebrows. I could be wearing a new outfit, with new shoes and perfectly done makeup, but if my eyebrows are not on point, there is no point.

Bushy eye brows show a high sex drive small eyes should not be trusted and men with symmetrical faces give better orgasms. Some people reckon that humans can decide who is good in bed who is rich and who is not loyal just by looking at their face.

It may sound vain to focus on one area of my face, but I to understand the importance of eyebrows and how it affects the way we look at ourselves and others. By focusing on eyebrows and finding the perfect shape, width, length, arch, and thickness that aligns beauty and understanding how that will always dominate and dictate the rest of my facial features; You would not want to see me with bushy eyebrows unplucked you would rather see me plucked!!!

Interestingly, there's a generation of beauty mavericks who've opted to shave their eyebrows off completely. There are many reasons they do this: to boost self-confidence, to rebel against the ubiquitous bold-brow trend, to create a blank canvas for experimenting with daring and dazzling makeup looks, to name a few.

You will look at yourself differently. Eyebrows are the focal point of your face! Speaking of which, focusing on one area of our faces vs. all of them; putting on makeup, nail polish, accessories, it’s all some level of vanity, so don’t let anyone make you feel bad about the eyebrows you have and the eyebrows you desire.

Khloe: Eye brows the one thing you can get in to shape without exercising xx

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