Easter His and Hers

Easter His and Hers

Who’s egg-cited about easter?! Yes, I just said egg-cited. But if you would like to add some sexual pizazz to your easter holiday, then you, my dear bunnies should keep on reading.

Anyone with a egg Fetish preferably chocolate ones but I can accommodate other kinds i.e. love eggs!!

Easter is a wonderful holiday for plenty of reasons. For many, it means time off work, the official coming of spring time, and a good excuse to eat your own body weight in chocolate. Yes please. It’s a perfect holiday and with the first warm rays of spring sun putting the mojo back in many cold trousers, make the most of the easter celebrations and that means not neglecting your desires and sexual needs. Because your erotic side deserves easter treats too. Easter bunnies have needs too. Easter is the perfect time for adults to get down and dirty,

Oh, and I can’t rave enough about the Tenga Eggs for men. They are sexy and perfect for anyone who likes intense orgasms…which is, hmmm, just about everyone? Guaranteed to put a smile on any man’s face, You will enjoy heightened male stimulation. When we crack this little gem open, you open yourself to new realms of sensations - melting, twisting, squeezing, caressing, lapping – seemingly familiar, but mind-blowingly novel! I will Surprise you with this new toy for gentlemen with a taste for discovery, which I will administer.

Khloe   Bring it on you and the chocolate 

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