

Hi there my lovely friends hope you are all staying safe stay that way so you can be ready to play. Miss you 

Curvy’ is often used in the media as a euphemism for ‘overweight’, although it can also be used to describe a slightly larger, yet toned woman with tits and arse. Just type ‘curvy women’ into a Google image search and the hundreds of sexy, beautiful women in lingerie will illustrate what I mean.

It’s never overweight women with cellulite. So, which ‘curvy’ are the men in this survey referring to?

Female body type preferences of straight men most of my clients just love women of all shapes and sizes as I do with Men and Women
Speaking about this to one of my curvy lady friend she told me that: ‘Men I’ve dated previously have all said they like curvy women. Until I put on weight – and then they didn’t like it.’ Asking around my male friends, ‘curvy’ to them is the same as the Google search – good boobs, good bum, everything else nice and toned. ‘I like a big bum – an Instagram squats bum,’ one friend explained. Basically, the Kelly Brooks and Christina Hendricks of the world. So not overweight then? ‘Not stick thin, obviously, but not overweight,

Gods greatest creation on the female body, curves everything that has to do with a girls Breasts and Booty?arse Possibly the only features on a woman’s body a man can gives a rats arse about

Khloe  When life gives you curves flaunt them the thicker the thighs the sweeter the prize always ready to show off my curves xx

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