Bonkers for Easter

Bonkers for Easter

Hi every bunny. Bonking and chocolate what a combination eat the chocolate bonk the calories away!! looking forward to your bonk holiday make it a good one, we do love a good old bonking I do too.

I have been invited to a Bunny Girl Party (I love getting dressed up) Role play of which I am very good at.

I hope at the party there are lots of Male Bunnies (bucks) I want to have a real Bonk with a real Bunny when I say a real Bunny I mean a man, I am not into bestiality!! Anyway enough of this bonking talk I am off to find a bunny costume. I will leave you with a bit of Easter history, enjoy

The exact origins of the Easter bunny are clouded in mystery. One theory is that the symbol of the rabbit stems from pagan tradition, specifically the festival of Eostre—a goddess of fertility whose animal symbol was a bunny. Rabbits, known for their energetic breeding, have traditionally symbolised fertility.

In European traditions, the Easter Bunny is known as the Easter Hare. The symbolism of the hare has had many tantalising ritual and religious roles down through the years. One tradition, known as the “Hare Pie Scramble,” was held at Hallaton, a village in Leicestershire, England, which involved eating a pie made with hare meat and people “scrambling” for a slice. In 1790, the. Local parson tried to stop the custom l due to its pagan associations, but he was unsuccessful, and the custom continues in that village until this day. I promise not to bake one.

During the Iron Age, ritual burials for hares were common, and in 51 B.C., Julius Caesar mentions that in Britain, Hares were not eaten. Due to their religious significance. Caesar would likely have known that in the Classical Greek tradition, hares were sacred to Aphrodite, the goddess of love. Meanwhile, Aphrodite’s son Eros was often depicted carrying a hare, as a symbol of unquenchable desire.

After a long, cold, northern winter, it seems natural enough for people to celebrate themes of resurrection and rebirth. The flowers are blooming, birds are laying eggs, and baby bunnies are hopping about.

As new life emerges in spring, the Easter Bunny hops back once again, providing a longstanding cultural symbol to remind us of the cycles and stages of our own lives.

Khloe: Hoppy Easter I look forward to your bonk holiday passionate encounters and you to mine xx

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